How To Get Involved
Become a member of the DCANP
If you are a Naturopathic Physician currently practicing in Washington, DC or are interested in staying on top of healthcare developments affecting naturopathic medicine in DC, please click here for more information on how to become member.
Participate in DC FLI
The DC Federal Legislative Iniative is a great opportunity to educate Members of Congress on what naturopathic medicine is and what naturopathic physicians can do to improve the health of our nation. Join naturopathic physicians, students, and friends in furthering awareness and support for naturopathic medicine and our profession.
Spread the word
Educate your family, friends, co-workers, and healthcare team of the benefits of naturopathic medicine.
Please support our ongoing commitment and passion in promoting naturopathic medicine in Washington, DC.
To donate, please contact us!